Food industry is one of the most emerging industries in India and all over the world. In the food industry, India ranks fifth in terms of processing, consumption and exports. As per the last year reports of India Brand Equity Foundation the food processing sector is expected to reach US$ 258 billion in FY15.
As we can see how fast the food industries are growing day by day. In food industries there are various types of processing is done. From all the processing industries flour mill plays a vital role in it.
You may be wondering why flour mill?
We can’t use grains directly for cooking purpose without crushing it. So, what flour mill do?…Flour mill cleans the grains by processing various task and make the grains eatable. Flour mill performs a various process on flours like wheat, suji, bread flour and all-purpose flour.
Why Magnetic Equipments In Flour Mills?
Magnetic equipments are the most used equipments in flour mills. Magnetic equipments and separators remove the mud balls, black stones and other paramagnetic impurities from flour. There are various types of magnetic equipments are available for the food industry and flour mills.
Best Magnetic Equipments For Flour Mills:
Jaykrishna Magnetics Pvt. Ltd. has designed and developed a wide range of magnetic separators and equipments which can easily detect impurities from flour.
Below are our magnetic separators which can use in all kind flour mills.
Jaykrishna Magnetics Pvt. Ltd. has developed most advanced magnetic grill to remove ferrous metals from all types of flours. It can installed at elevator and roll body inlet.
Our magnetic grill is available in round, square and rectangular shape.
Our high-intensity magnetic separator called magnetic destoner is the highly efficient separator to remove mud balls, black stones and other paramagnetic impurities from flours. We’ve developed two types of magnetic destoner one is called Lab Model Magnetic Destoner and other Magnetic Destoner for big processing plants.
Our magnetic destoner has the capacity of 3MT/hr to 30MT/her. It is used in flour mills, rice mills, dal mills, seed cleaning lines and various other food industries.
Magnetic destoner is installed before the elevator outlet in all processing lines.
Jaykrishna Magnetics Pvt. Ltd. has newly developed rotary drawer magnet in which it detects the very fine metallic impurities from flours. It can extract the impurities up to300 micron. We’ve developed specially double rotary drawer magnet for the better separation process. It can available as per the client’s requirement.
Rotary drawer magnet is installed at each and every packaging point.
Here’s the deal:
Jaykrishna Magnetics Pvt. Ltd. has developed a special range of high-intensity magnetic separators for the flour mills. It can use in all flour mills (atta mills) to extract the impurities from it. We also develop innovative and customized magnetic separators as per the client’s requirement.
To know more about our magnetic separators range, visit our website:
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